ماه ها بود که بالاترین را نگاه نمی کنم . الان سری زدم دیدم یکی از همشهریان ایرانی در کانادا مقاله ای در مورداعدام شیرکو اورده است و نوشته که " که اگر اسلحه بد است مقامات رژیم همه اسلحه دارند باید اعدام شوند . از ادمهای عادی هیچ توقعی نیست ولی کسانی که می خواهند هدفمند ضد اگاهی رسانی عمل کنند باید گفت . خوش تیپ توی کانادا اگر اسلحه دست کسی بغیر از پلیس باشد چکارش می کنند انوقت توقع دارید در کشوری مانند جمهوری اسلامی که دیکتاتوری است و دشمنان مسلح زیادی هم دارد مگه توقعی بیش از این می شود داشت . برای ان دوستانی که دچار خوش خیالی هستند و یا واقعا نمی دانند بد نیست بدانند اگر کسی به پلیس در کانادا و امریکا تلفن کند و بگوید در فلان ماشین و خانه اسلحه هست گروه ضربت به ان خانه حمله می کند و باخشونت همه را دستگیر می کند . اگر کسی کوچکترین حرکت دست اشتباه کند حتما کشته خواهد شد . بد نیست بدانید که خوانند ه مشهور کرد شیوان پرور در سال 2009 در تورنتو بود ماشین اس یو وی اش در 427 مورد هجوم پلیس انتاریو opp قرار گرفت و همه با خشونت دستگیر شدند . بعدا مشخص شد اسلحه نبوده است. پلیس هم معذرت خواهی نکرد. . http://www.torontosun.com/news/columnists/joe_warmington/2009/08/18/10493161-sun.html
Internationally acclaimed Kurdish superstar Sivan Perwer is held by an OPP officer during a high-risk police takedown on Hwy. 427 Sunday night. Cops were tipped to armed men in a Hummer, but it was actually Perwer and his crew filming Canadian scenes for his TV show. (ERNEST DOROSZUK/SUN MEDIA
Joe Warmington
,Toronto Sun
"We were just filming Canada's countryside and then there were guns everywhere"
-- Kurdish entertainment legend Sivan Perwer
Kurdish Torontonians trying to make a good impression on their community's most famous singer certainly did not have an armed OPP takedown in mind.
But that is exactly what happened Sunday night on Hwy. 427 as the crew filming a cultural star for Kurdish TV was mistaken for a pack of armed and dangerous men in a black Hummer.
What resulted was akin to a movie scene.
The only problem was it was real -- and the only guns were the ones drawn by police.
Internationally acclaimed Kurdish superstar Sivan Perwer is held by an OPP officer during a high-risk police takedown on Hwy. 427 Sunday night. Cops were tipped to armed men in a Hummer, but it was actually Perwer and his crew filming Canadian scenes for his TV show. (ERNEST DOROSZUK/SUN MEDIA
Singer gets rude welcome to Canada
OPP told Kurdish superstar and film crew were armed terrorists
-- Kurdish entertainment legend Sivan Perwer
Kurdish Torontonians trying to make a good impression on their community's most famous singer certainly did not have an armed OPP takedown in mind.
But that is exactly what happened Sunday night on Hwy. 427 as the crew filming a cultural star for Kurdish TV was mistaken for a pack of armed and dangerous men in a black Hummer.
What resulted was akin to a movie scene.
The only problem was it was real -- and the only guns were the ones drawn by police.
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