
دوشنبه، مهر ۱۰، ۱۳۹۱

گروه جوانان ایرانی امریکایی یهودی

یکی از امامزاده هایی که پشت تحریم ها و حق داشتن انرژی اتمی جوانان ایرانی یهودی امریکاست .  من برایشان احترام قائلم  این بندگان خدا بین ایران واسرائیل -اسرائیل را گرفته اند تکلیف خودشان و ما را روشن کردند.  از مجموع گروه
بر خلاف "کون گره " ایرانیان کانادا که خجالت می کشند نیت قلبی خودشان را اعلام کنند .

30 YEARS AFTER is proud of our community’s history of passing along the traditions and most vital tenets of Judaism and our Persian culture while embracing our newfound identity as Americans. Our community has always stood strong as ardent Zionists in support of a broad-based, nonpartisan and comprehensive US-Israel relationship that ensures the security and prosperity of both nations based on mutual support in the vital areas of medicine, technology, education, and defense.

30 YEARS AFTER considers a nuclear-capable Iran a grave threat to U. S. national security and an existential threat to Israel. It is essential that the United States lead the international effort through diplomacy and financial sanctions to prevent one of the most dangerous regimes in the world from having the most lethal weapon known to humankind.

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