
چهارشنبه، بهمن ۰۴، ۱۳۸۵

US attack and Khamenei

there is a report by security services to Khamenei that indicate the US attack is imminent.
Khamenei who is very sick has told he is ready to become a "martyr"..
When Rafsanjani left the meeting with Khamenei last month tole " the chafiye of Khameni is chahfye Shahadat ( martyrdom ) )
It looks he prefers to be killed by US rather than to be dead at his bed.

every year at Moharam there is a formal commemoration of Imam Hosein by Khamenei at his place that broadcasted by TV, this year three nohgt s has gone and he has not showed at the evetn, yet.
If He does not attend the evetn on Tasoa and Ashora ( Jan 29 , 30th ) then means the critical situaiton of Khamenei.

However, Khobregan is ready for a concil to replace Khamenei.

وزارت اطلاعات گزارشي به خامنه اي داده است كه دران حمله آمريكا را قطعي براورد كرده است.
از سوي ديگر خامنه اي كه بشدت مريض است و بعلت بيماري سرطان پروستات تحت شيمي درماني است ،‌ترجيح ميدهد ژكه توسط آمريكا كشته شود تا اينكه در بيماري بميرد
مجلس خبرگان امادگي جانشيني وي توسط شوراي رهبري را دارد
هر ساله در ماه محرم خامنه اي عزاداري در حسينيه بر كزرا ميكند كه بطور مستقيم پخش ميشود امسال بعد از 3 شب هنوز خاكنه اي حضور پيدا نكرده است .

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