
جمعه، فروردین ۱۱، ۱۳۸۵

نامه حمايت از مجاهدين در عراق

December 14, 2003
Rudd Luberrs
Commissioner o f U.N.H.C.R.
Geneva, Switzerland

Dear Mr. Luberrs

We are alarmed at the situation in which the members of Mojahedin Khalgh Organization (MKO) and its sympathizers find themselves. Due to recent negotiations and the alleged understanding reached between the "Islamic Republic of Iran" and the "Governing Council in Iraq", many of the MKO members and their families will be expelled from Iraq. In addition, there is the eminent danger that they will be sent to Iran. Under the Geneva Convention, the United States and the United Kingdom as occupying powers in Iraq have the obligation to protect refugees, which include the MKO. Systematic violation of human rights in Iran will endanger their lives. In the hands of despotic regime in Tehran, the opposition members will be in a disastrous predicament -- it is paramount to throwing them into the lion’s den!

We, Iranian Human Rights activists and groups in Europe, Canada and U.S.A, are extremely anxious about the future of those refugees who may be dealt with harshly by the governments in question, without considering their Human Rights, and ignoring international conventions on asylum seekers.

We urgently request that you take notice of this critical situation and to do your utmost to protect the rights of these refugees, and help put together a humanitarian solution in order to transfer them to a safe place immediately.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,


Human rights defense association of Iran, Montréal, Canada ( - Human Rights defense comity of Iran, Sweden ( ) – The action committee for the release of Prisoners of conscience in Iran, Paris, France ( ) – Center for tought, dialogue and Human Rights in Iran, Toronto, Canada ( - Vereinigung zur Verteidigung der Menschenrechte im Iran,Bremen, Deutschland ( - Stichting voor de Verdediging van Democratie in Iran, Nederland ) – Iranian – Canadian community Association of western Canada, Vancouver ( - Committee to Defend Human Rights in Iran, California, U.S.A. - ( - noran (supporting committee for human rights in iran ), Norway – ( ) – Activist of Human Rigts (

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