امرزو خبر های رادیو و روزنامه های تورنتو و کانادا ا زدستگیر ی سهند محمودی 28 ساله که از سال 2000 به بیماری ایدز مبتلابوده است خبر دادند . اسم و قیافه به ایرانی ها شبیه هست ولی درهر حال کامیونیتی ایرانی بایستی در این مورد ها بهتر و فعال تر عمل کند
سهند با یک مرد دیگر رابطه جنسی داشته است ولی به وی از ایدز داشتن خود اطلاع نداده است
که یک جرم و جنایت هست و اتفا قا به همین دلیل هم دستگیر شده است
بعضی معتقدند که این دستگیری ها عادلانه نیست و تبعیضی علیه ایدزی هاهستمتن انگلیس ان را در کلوب و اند میل بخوانید
Man charged after not telling of HIV status
Two charges for alleged unprotected sex
May 8, 2009
A Toronto man is facing attempted murder and aggravated assault charges for allegedly having unprotected sex with another man and not disclosing his HIV-positive status, police announced yesterday.
Constable Brad Stapleton of the sex crimes unit said charges were laid yesterday against Sahand Mahmoodi.
The 28-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday and will appear at a bail hearing this morning.
Many AIDS advocates say they oppose these kinds of charges because they feel they criminalize HIV and dissuade people from getting tested, and that the law is not well defined.
"Where is this law going? When are uncertainties in the law going to be addressed?" said Alison Symington, a senior policy analyst with the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.
"This area of law has been escalating and developing over the past few years with no public policy debate, no research backing it up, nothing to show how it's been effective," she said.
Police laid charges after the alleged victim, who is said to have met Mr. Mahmoodi on an Internet dating service, came forward. Police believe Mr. Mahmoodi has had sexual relations with additional people in which he did not disclose his status.
Constable Stapleton said Mr. Mahmoodi has known he was HIV positive since 2000 and has been a regular in the Church and Wellesley area for the past five years.
"We are appealing to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. If you had any contact with this male, contact the Toronto sex crime unit," Constable Stapleton said.
He wouldn't elaborate on the charges or say whether the alleged victim contracted HIV from Mr. Mahmoodi.
Criminal charges can be laid against people with HIV if they do not disclose their status before engaging in activities that pose a significant risk of infection, like unprotected sex.
Ms. Symington said charges are also being laid in cases in which people have low viral loads or have used condoms, both considered low-risk sexual situations.
"It's getting broader and broader with really no good policy reason for that to happen," she said.
About 80 people have been charged in Canada since the mid-1990s, the vast majority of whom have been heterosexual men. Sky Gilbert, a Toronto-based gay-rights activist, said he's been predicting a shift toward the prosecution of gay men on charges like this.
Mr. Gilbert added that criminalizing non-disclosure will dissuade people from getting tested and exacerbate the spread of infection.
But Philip Berger, an associate professor at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medicine, called the theory "totally unsubstantiated."
Dr. Berger said he had no knowledge of the case for which charges were announced yesterday. But he said that in cases in which one person deliberately infects another, they must be held accountable.
"Being HIV positive cannot provide moral cover for unacceptable conduct," he said.
2009 Johnson Aziga is the first man in Canada to be convicted of first-degree murder for exposing two women to HIV who later died of AIDS-related cancers.
2007 Carl Leone pleads guilty to 15 counts of aggravated sexual assault. Five of his victims tested positive for HIV. A judge sentences him to 18 years in prison in 2008 but stops short of declaring him a dangerous offender.
2005 Former CFL player Trevis Smith is sentenced to 5½ years for deliberately exposing two women to HIV.
1993 Charles Ssenyonga is tried for intentionally infecting three women. He died of AIDS before the court reached a decision.
Nicki Thomas
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