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Complaints official to look into actions by military police in Afghanistan
Feb 10, 2007 04:30 AM Bruce Campion-Smith Ottawa bureau
OTTAWA–Senior military officers "belatedly" looked into a report that Canadian troops may have mistreated Afghan prisoners, and now that investigations are under way, have made "unfortunate" public comments that suggest they've already decided nothing was done wrong
The revelations that detainees had been injured came to light this week after Ottawa law professor Amir Attaran obtained defence department documents detailing the injuriesComplaints official to look into actions by military police in Afghanistan
Feb 10, 2007 04:30 AM Bruce Campion-Smith Ottawa bureau
OTTAWA–Senior military officers "belatedly" looked into a report that Canadian troops may have mistreated Afghan prisoners, and now that investigations are under way, have made "unfortunate" public comments that suggest they've already decided nothing was done wrong
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