
یکشنبه، آذر ۱۲، ۱۳۹۱

سپهر حاجی زاد ه را اخراج نکیند

لطفا کسانی که مایل هستند این تقاضا نامه ( پتیشن ) را امضا کنند . قرار است سپهر حاچی زاده ، جوان ورزشکار ایرانی در 11 دسامبر به ایران اخراج شود . این در حالی است که تقاضای تجدید نظر سپهر برای پناهندگی هنوز بررسی نشده است . وکیل وی علیرغم دریافت پول
د ردادگاه حاضر نشده است ومترجم هم نبوده است . و پناهندگی وی رد شده است . متاسفانه هیت مدیره کنگره موسوم به ایرانیان به این کارها کاری ندارد خودشان را برای کارهای مهم تر مانند د رایران فردا خود را اماده می کنند .

Hon. Minister Kenney , Canada Citizenship and Immigration: stop deportation order for Mr. Sepehr Hajipour to Iran

Hon. Kenney . Canada Minister of Citizenship and immigration
Sepehr Hajrpour is a young Iranian activist who, like thousands of other Iranians, was involved in the Iranian presidential election protests in 2009 (known as the Green Movement). As a refugee, he applied for Canadian asylum in 2009 and was denied. Currently he has requested an appeal for the decision and his application is in the midst of processing. Unfortunately however, the Canadian Immigration offices are demanding he be deported on December 11th, 2012, which seems to contradict the fairness of the appeal process since a new decision has not yet been made. It is also important to note that neither his attorney nor his translator were present at his deportation trial which raises concerning questions about the Canadian system and it's processes in granting refugees asylum.
We request the minister that there be a stop in his deportation, until the results from his appeal application have come through and an actual decision regarding his status has been determined.
thank you for your consideration the humanitarian cause

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